Tournament Rules


Tournament RULES

1. All BBO rules are valid in Galaxy Club - BBO tournaments. 

2. 2/1 and SAYC are essential systems in our tournaments.  

3. All artificial biddings have to be alerted.  

4. Chatting, writing bad and rude words that humiliate their partners or opponents are forbidden. If happens that player is removed soon with no refund. 

5. Although UNDO is not active during the tournaments, if a player calls the TD and the TD is convinced that it is a simple misclick, he can open UNDO temporarily for a short while. But accepting an UNDO is optional attitude.  

6. No psyche bids in 1st-2nd seat are allowed. It is forbidden.  

7. If a player happens to leave the tournament due to any reasons, he should let the TD know not to cause any problems because our tournaments run automatically.

8. 2C is strong hcp = 22+ hcp or strong distribution = max 4 loser. 

9. 2D/H/S should have 6 cards. If it is not so, alert is always needed. 

10. Be polite to everyone at the table (your partner, your opponent and your TD).

11. English only (allowed) for conversation when tournament progress. 

12. Dummy keep silent during play.

13. Play fast and fair, (claim ASAP).